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Welcome to Holy Trinity Orthodox Church

Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

We hope our website can acquaint you with our Parish. Though we are not a very large Orthodox community, by God's grace we have an active life of liturgical worship and social activities. Our life in Christ is the center of our parish community.
We seek to strengthen our life in Christ not only by our worship and fellowship, but also by learning more about our Christian faith and finding opportunities to serve our neighbor. By carefully and courageously practicing our faith we hope to grow strong in love and virtue. We seek to build the bonds of support that lead us to a deeper communion with God. Our parish exists for no other purpose than bringing us into communion with God through Christ our Lord in the Holy Spirit.
If you are from the Pocono Mountains and need a spiritual home or if you have moved to our area and are looking for a Church, please join us in our worship. We would be delighted to welcome you. We are a canonical Orthodox Church and believe that the fullness of the Apostolic faith is found in Orthodoxy.
Please 'come and see.'

Fr. Nicholas J. Solak
Parish Priest

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Sun., Feb. 23rd Annual Parish Assembly - Please be advised that we will have our Annual Parish Assembly/Meeting on Feb. 23rd immediately after the Divine Liturgy. I hope to see you all at the meeting! It is important for all of us to take care of our parish together, as a family. Please let me know if you have any questions, or things you would like to bring up at the meeting.

Sun., Feb. 16th Coffee/Social Hour is Potluck! Please bring a dish to share and please help your fellow parishioners clean their up their respective areas.


​Friday, Feb 14th, we will have the Soup Kitchen Meal. Fr. Bill and Adrianna will be preparing the food, but it would be wonderful to have more hands. Volunteers to help with preparation and the clean up afterwards would be very much appreciated.


Please come at 4:00 pm, if you are able to help with the preparation; or be there around 5:30pm to help with the cleaning and washing the pots (especially consider helping with the cleaning).


Thank you for your hard work. May it be blessed!


In Christ,

Fr. Vjekoslav 

Welcome Father Vjeckoslav!!


We are delighted to announce that Father Vjeckoslav Jovicic has been assigned as the new full-time priest for our parish. Father Vjekoslav, his wife, Popadija Dragana and three children - Miladin, Teodora & Pavle will begin at Holy Trinity on February 1, 2025.


Let us prepare to warmly welcome Father Vjeckoslav and his family into our parish community. This is a joyful occasion, and we are blessed to have them join us. Please keep them in your prayers as they transition to their new home and ministry among us.


Glory to God for His provision and care for our parish!

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Make a Donation

 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church's work is dependent on the generous donations

of members and individuals which helps support & spread God’s work.

Please help support our mission by making a donation to our parish below.   

1501 Trinity Court | Stroudsburg PA, 18360 | 570-350-1482
Great Vespers Saturdays 4:00 PM (a/o 10/15/22)
​Divine Liturgy Sundays 9:30 AM

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