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August Pilgrimages

Wednesday, Aug. 9th to Saint George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA. Every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM hundreds of people flock to St. George to participate in a prayer service (known as a Moleben) in front of the Myrrh-streaming Icon - the Kardiotissa, "The Tender Heart." At the end of the service, the faithful come forward to be anointed with the Myrrh from the Icon. We will leave Holy Trinity at 5:00 PM on the 9th. Please let Father Nicholas know if you plan to come along.

Friday, Aug. 11th to Holy Protection Monastery in White Haven, PA. Holy Protection Monastery is a Women's Greek Monastery approximately 35 minutes from us. Our Vacation Church School, which begins on Aug. 8th, will conclude with a pilgrimage to this Monastery on Friday, Aug. 11th. We will leave in the morning. Please let Father Nicholas know if you would like to come along.


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