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Pot Luck Coffee Hour Sunday, May 26th
Please bring a dish to share and clean up your area before leaving. Please stay to help clean the hall and kitchen if you are able. Thank...

June Church School Day
Plans are underway for a Saturday Church School Day from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Crafts, snacks, and a Church School lesson are planned for...
New Men's Group Starting in the Diocese of Easter Pennsylvania
At the last Diocesan Assembly, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark suggested that a Men's Group be formed within our Diocese to provide - for...
Flowers for Pascha
Help make our Pascha celebration beautiful! Our website is set-up to accept special donations for Feast Day which will be used to...

Save The Date: March 2nd!
Family Night!! Following Resurrectional Vespers . . . Pizza, Popcorn, Movie and Games!!
Community Breakfast
Holy Trinity Monthly Community Breakfast this Saturday, Jan. 27th @ 10:00 AM. All are welcome!

Valor Pickup of Food Drive Donations
On Monday, Dec. 11th, Mike of Valor came to pickup the food donations we collected for The Valor Clinic Foundation a non-profit...

Christmas Services December 2023
December 21st: Vespers & Compline 5:00 PM December 22nd: Royal Hours 9:00 AM Vespers & Compline 5:00 PM December 23rd: Resurrectional...

Holiday Food Drive for VALOR
Create a Meal Frozen Turkey or Ham (Fresh, Frozen or Canned) 8 or 10 lbs. Please keep frozen ham or turkey at home until Dec. 10th . . ....

Angel Tree for Monroe County Children & Youth
Choose an Ornament Tag Purchase the Gift(s) on the back of the tab Return Gifts UNWRAPPED by Dec. 17th with Tag Attached.

Christmas Time
Our Parish has several projects underway as we enter the Advent Season and begin preparing ourselves for the Nativity of our Lord in the...

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